Clean content that's still cool

Welcome to the next generation of media production. All the action, without the filth

Launched in Park Rapids, MN

in the weird year of 2020 when the global population's time spent on screens nearly doubled

Let's create this success story together

Why we're doing this

Why is it that, in the age of streaming, with dozens of new movie releases every year, it's rare to see a good movie? Is it that massive movie studios now value quantity over quality? Maybe it's because of the messaging that can come from both sides- Or maybe it's just a lack of writing talent. Either way, good movies or TV shows are getting harder and harder to come by, despite the sheer amount of content being produced every year.

We are completely bootstrapped, self-funded, and volunteer-based. However, in order to increase our production quality and frequency, we would love to invite you to partner with us and support Ztake. It is our goal to go from local to global, and in order to do that, we need your help.

However, it is our promise to you that all of our content will remain free to watch — and all giving/support will remain completely optional. That is what drives us to do what we do: to get people behind Ztake because they share the same vision as us, and not because they read a fancy ad from a vc-funded media studio with millions to blow. That isn't us, nor do we want it to be. Our goal is to simply give our audience something to watch, listen to, or read, that they will find legitimately entertaining and meaningful.

Hot off the press 🍿

Introducing: On Borrowed Time — Premiered on October 29th, 2022

Get to know our awesome team members

Meet the team >

All nighters. Maxed out credit cards. 18-hour work days. Our passion drives us.

after 18-months

Over 100K+YouTube video views
Over 300+Theater tickets sold
Around 15+Squad members, and counting

Join the Ztake family

Your help on Kickstarter will boost our success in the years to come!
